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Monday, April 9, 2012

Mount failue for a newly created mailbox database on Exchange 2010 SP1 with event 3154

Today, I was working with one of our clients , he simply wants to create a mailbox database in which he will create a mailbox that will be used for messages journal  When he tried to mount the newly created database it failed with  following error message  ( event 3154 ) at event viewer application's logs :

"Active Manager failed to mount database Journaling-2010 on server servername.domain.local. Error: An Active Manager operation failed. Error: The database action failed. Error: Operation failed with message: MapiExceptionNotFound: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x8004010f, ec=-2147221233)"

The issue was that the newly created mailbox database was not assigned the default public folder database  & offline address book !!Once they were assigned the database mounted successfully.

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